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Signing a Contract Can Be Hazardous

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Don't sign blind.Turn hours of legal scrutiny into minutes of clarity.
AI Contract Analysis - Affordable legal document navigation in 57 languages | Product Hunt
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BetterLegal Assistant has been trusted by thousands worldwide
Created by BetterLegal, empowering 20,000+ businesses
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Navigating contracts? Skip the $300/hour attorney fees.
Discover a smarter, quicker, and more affordable way with BetterLegal Assistant.
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Contract Analysis

For a few dollars, get a detailed analysis of your contract in minutes, not days. Our six-step process ensures nothing is overlooked.
The beta version is now available
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1. Extract the information that matters

Identifies crucial elements: parties, definitions, dollar amounts, timelines, and more.
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2. Determine if a contract is legally binding

Examines requisite elements ensuring the contract is legal.
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3. Assess the fairness of core clauses

Does someone benefit more? Assesses balance to ensure fairness in every clause.
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4. Uncover potentially negative impacts

Tailored insights based on your role. Discover potential pitfalls and protect your interests.
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5. Learn ways to negotiate important points

Expands on scenarios, providing you with talking points for effective negotiation.
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6. Surface practical adjustments to serve your interests

Not just problems, but solutions. Suggests modifications to safeguard your interests.
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From understanding the basics to negotiating like a pro,BetterLegal Assistant is your partnerin making every contract work for you.

Use Cases for Various Careers

Freelance Graphic Designer

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From Contract Confusion to Confidence
Sarah, a freelance graphic designer, often signs client contracts without fully understanding the terms,fearing legal fees.
Sarah usesBetterLegal Assistantto quickly scan and interpret her contracts, identifying key clauses and potential pitfalls.
She negotiates better terms, ensuring timely payments and copyright protection for her work,boosting her business confidence.

Small Business Owner

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From Struggling to Thriving
Mike, owning a small café, struggles with vendor contracts,unsure about the implications of certain clauses.
He turns toBetterLegal Assistant,which highlights important details like termination clauses and penalty fees.
Mike successfully renegotiates his vendor contracts,saving costs and avoiding long-term entanglements.

Independent Consultant

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From Overwhelmed to Empowered
Lisa, an independent consultant,is overwhelmed by the legal jargonin a potential partnership agreement.
UsingBetterLegal Assistant,she quickly gains insights into the contract’s balance and receives suggestions for more favorable terms.
Lisa confidently enters the partnership, with terms thatbetter protect her interests and profit shares.

Tech Startup Founder

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From Startup Founder to Investment Pro
Alex, a tech startup founder, faces complex investment contracts butlacks the budget for a high-end legal team.
Alex usesBetterLegal Assistantfor an in-depth analysis, understanding key investment terms and equity stakes.
He successfully negotiates with investors,securing funding while maintaining greater control over his startup.
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Legal Translator

Transform complicated legalese into straightforward language in seconds.

Unlock the Hidden Meaning Behind Legal Documents

Simplify legal understanding with this user-friendly tool accessible to all.
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Empower Yourself with AI-Powered Legal Translation

Our Assistant will guide you with knowledge and confidence through legal documents.
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Ahoy Matey! Set Sail with Pirate Mode

With a simple switch, legal jargon can be transformed into pirate-speak for easier understanding.
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What BetterLegal Assistant

Can do:

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Translate complex legal jargon into simpler, everyday language.

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Help users understand the general meaning of legal documents, such as contracts, terms of use, and privacy policies.

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Provide a starting point for users who want to familiarize themselves with legal concepts and terminology.

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Save time and effort by providing quick and accessible explanations of legal text.

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Assist users in identifying key clauses, terms, and conditions in legal documents.

Can't do:

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Provide specific legal advice tailored to an individual's unique circumstances or case.

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Guarantee 100% accuracy in translation, as AI models may occasionally misinterpret nuances or context.

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Replace the need for professional legal consultation in complex situations or high-stakes matters.

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Account for jurisdictional differences in legal terminology, which may vary between states or countries.

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Ensure full comprehension of all legal implications, especially in cases where the language or concepts are highly specialized or intricate.

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Ready for a smarter contract review?

Try BetterLegal Assistant today
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