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How to Correction in Alabama LLC

Correction in Alabama LLC | BetterLegal


Alabama LLC Statement of Correction

Are you a business owner looking for Alabama LLC Statement of Correction? With the ever-changing nature of business, sometimes it’s important to Correction your LLC to ensure the most accurate records are kept.

There are various ways to do this based on your state.
This guide will walk you through the steps to correctly do this for yourself in Alabama:

Fill out

This form is available here for download. Once downloaded, fill it out like so:

1. Enter the name of the entity
2. Enter the entity ID Number
3. Specify the filing that needs correction and the date of formation
4. Describe the nature of the incorrect information
(a) Give reasons it's incorrect (specify attachment if necessary)
5. Enter the typed name and address of the individual preparing the form
6. Correct the incorrect information
7. Add the date, typed name, the title of an authorized representative and signature
8. Fill out the payment form

There's multiple ways to submit this form - online, by mail, via fax, in-person.

Submit it online

Online submission to file a Certificate of Correction is not an option at this time.

Submit it by mail

1. Print and fill out the form (including the payment form)
2. Mail 2 copies of this completed form along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope to: Secretary of State, Business Services, P.O. Box 5616, Montgomery, Alabama 36103
3. Include a check, money order, or credit card payment

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