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How to Register Assumed Name in Michigan LLC

Register Assumed Name in Michigan LLC | BetterLegal


Michigan LLC Certificate of Assumed Name

Are you a business owner looking for Michigan LLC Certificate of Assumed Name? With the ever-changing nature of business, sometimes it’s important to Register Assumed Name your LLC to ensure the most accurate records are kept.

There are various ways to do this based on your state.
This guide will walk you through the steps to correctly do this for yourself in Michigan:

Fill out Form 541

This form is available here for download. Once downloaded, fill it out like so:

To register a DBA, 1. Return address information
2. Name of entity
3. ID number (This can be found by searching LLC's name on state website)
4. The assumed name(DBA) to be registered
5. Date of filing
6. Digital/Wet signature of an authorized person
7. Printed or typed name of the authorized person
8. Title of the authorized person
9. Name and phone number of the submitter

There's multiple ways to submit this form - online, by mail, via fax, in-person.

Submit it online

To register an assumed name online, follow the instructions below:
1. Login with entity's CID and PIN; https://cofs.lara.state.mi.us/corpweb/LoginSystem/ExternalLogin.aspx
2. Select "541 - CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME" and continue
3. The first section is pre-filled with current business information
4. The assumed name(DBA) to be registered
5. Effectiveness of Filing: Filing date/future date (back-dating is not allowed)
6. Printed or typed name of the authorized person
7. Title of the authorized person
8. Click accept and add
9. Submitter's information
10. Delivery method for approved documents (Email option is faster)
11. Service option
12. Review and pay

Submit it by mail

To file the CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME by mail, follow the instructions below:
1. Print and complete the form
2. Include a $25 or $10 check payable to "State of Michigan"
3. Mail the document and check to
Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
Corporations, Securities & Commercial Licensing Bureau
Corporations Division
P.O. Box 30054
Lansing, MI 48909

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