How to Register Doing Business As DBA in Oregon LLC
Register Doing Business As DBA in Oregon LLC | BetterLegal
Oregon LLC Assumed Business Name New Registration
Are you a business owner looking for Oregon LLC Assumed Business Name New Registration? With the ever-changing nature of business, sometimes it’s important to Register Doing Business As DBA your LLC to ensure the most accurate records are kept.
There are various ways to do this based on your state.
This guide will walk you through the steps to correctly do this for yourself in Oregon:
Fill out
This form is available here for download. Once downloaded, fill it out like so:
1) Enter the Assumed business name
2) Description of the business
4) Enter the principal place of business
5) Enter the name of the authorized representative
6) Enter the mailing address of the authorized representative
7) List the name and publicly available street address of the Registrants or Authorized Representative
8) Check the box for the county
9) Add signature and printed name of the Registrants or Authorized Representative
10) Add contact information
There's multiple ways to submit this form - online, by mail, via fax, in-person.
Submit it online
1) Go to
2) Click on Oregon Business Name Search and enter the assumed business name to check name availability.
3) Go to and click on register a business
4) Enter the login details or create an account
5) Click on "Start"
6) Click on register name
7) Under Business/Organization Type, select "Assumed Business Name"
8) Enter the business name
9) List a description of the business activity
10) Enter the business email address
11) Enter the principal address
12) Enter Daytime contact
13) Check the box for the county
14) From the drop-down, select notification delivery method (email, paper or email and paper)
15) Enter the name and address of the Authorized Representative
16) Add the registrant/owner
17) Click continue and review the information provided
18) Click yes to the review confirmation pop-up message
19) Check the Sign box
20) Submit and pay
Submit it by mail
1. Print and fill out the form
2. . Make check or money order payable to the Secretary of State
3. Mail forms to Corporation Division - 255 Capitol St. NE, Suite 151 Salem, OR 97310-1327