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How to Register Foreign LLC in Louisiana LLC

Register Foreign LLC in Louisiana LLC | BetterLegal


Louisiana LLC Registration of foreign LLC

Are you a business owner looking for Louisiana LLC Registration of foreign LLC? With the ever-changing nature of business, sometimes it’s important to Register Foreign LLC your LLC to ensure the most accurate records are kept.

There are various ways to do this based on your state.
This guide will walk you through the steps to correctly do this for yourself in Louisiana:

Fill out #972

This form is available here for download. Once downloaded, fill it out like so:

To file for the Registration of a foreign Louisiana LLC, follow the steps below:
1. Checked preferred option
2. LLC name
3. Filer's details
4. LLC name
5. Previous LLC name
6. Date of previous filing
7. Period of duration
8. Principal office information
9. Registered agent information
10. Business Nature
11. Manager(s)/Member(s) information
12. Manager's title and signature
13. Registered agent's signature
8. Date: Filing date/future date (back-dating is not allowed)

There's multiple ways to submit this form - online, by mail, via fax, in-person.

Submit it online

To file for the Registration of a foreign LLC in Louisiana online, follow the steps below:
1. Go to the Louisiana Secretary of State's Website
2. Click Create account
3. Enter LLC details
8. Review the information and click "Submit."
9. Pay the filing fee using a credit or debit card.

Submit it by mail

To file for the Registration of a foreign LLC in Louisiana by mail, follow the steps below:
1. Download and fill out the form completely
2. Sign and date the form.
3. Prepare a check or money order for the filing fee, payable to the Louisiana Secretary of State.
4. Mail the completed form and filing fee to:
Commercial Division,
P.O. Box 94125, Baton Rouge,
LA 70804-9125.

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