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How to Reserve Name in Maryland LLC

Reserve Name in Maryland LLC | BetterLegal


Maryland LLC Application for Reservation Of Limited Liability Company Name

Are you a business owner looking for Maryland LLC Application for Reservation Of Limited Liability Company Name? With the ever-changing nature of business, sometimes it’s important to Reserve Name your LLC to ensure the most accurate records are kept.

There are various ways to do this based on your state.
This guide will walk you through the steps to correctly do this for yourself in Maryland:

Fill out

This form is available here for download. Once downloaded, fill it out like so:

1) List the entity name to be reserved followed by LLC
2) Date of reservation
3) Enter the filer's name, address, and siganture

There's multiple ways to submit this form - online, by mail, via fax, in-person.

Submit it online

Online submission is not an option for this filing

Submit it by mail

1) Print and sign the form
2) All checks must be made out to State Department of Assessments and Taxation or SDAT
3) Mail documents to:
State Department of Assessments and Taxation, Charter Division 
301 W. Preston Street; 8th Floor 
Baltimore, MD 21201‐2395 

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