How to Termination in Arizona LLC
Termination in Arizona LLC | BetterLegal
Arizona LLC Articles of Termination
Are you a business owner looking for Arizona LLC Articles of Termination? With the ever-changing nature of business, sometimes it’s important to Termination your LLC to ensure the most accurate records are kept.
There are various ways to do this based on your state.
This guide will walk you through the steps to correctly do this for yourself in Arizona:
Fill out
This form is available here for download. Once downloaded, fill it out like so:
All documents should be submitted with a Cover Sheet
1) List the exact name of the LLC as shown in the records of the Arizona Corporation Commission including the identifier LLC
2) Read the statement and mark the "I ACCEPT" box
3) Print the name of the individual next to the signature and fill in the date
4) Check the appropriate box underneath the signature line to indicate whether the person signing is an authorized individual or signing on behalf of an entity authorized to sign the document.
There's multiple ways to submit this form - online, by mail, via fax, in-person.
Submit it online
1) Go to the Secretary of State's website: and click Online Services
2) Select "Dissolve or Restructure a Business"
3) Select "I want to dissolve, terminate, or withdraw a business"
4) Search the entity using its name and click on Next
4) Choose "Amend Article of Organization" and click on next
5) Select "Yes" for the "Statement Concerning Properties and Assests" question below
6) Check the "I Agree" box and sign as the first manager, title Manager
7) Select the processing options, add to shopping cart and pay
Submit it by mail
1) Print and sign the form including the cover sheet and payment (if applicable)
2) Mail to Arizona Corporation Commission
Corporations Division - Examination Section
1300 W. Washington St.
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Payment Methods
Credit card. If submitting the document in person, payment by credit card is acceptable. Credit cards cannot be used if submitting by mail or by fax. The Arizona Corporation Commission accepts only Visa or MasterCard.
Check. If submitting the document by mail or in person, payment by check is acceptable. Checks must be made payable to "Arizona Corporation Commission," with all words spelled out and no abbreviations. Checks must be completely and properly filled out, including the amount sections. We will not accept checks drawn on non-U.S. banks.
Money order. If submitting the document by mail or in person, payment by money order is acceptable.
Cash. If submitting the document in person, cash payments are acceptable at the Phoenix office ONLY (Tucson does not accept cash). Do not mail cash. NOTE: No bills larger than $20.00 will be accepted.