Things every business needs right away
There are some things your new business always needs right away. We provide them to you. No more guessing games!
Entity Formation Document - registers your new business with the State
- Certificate of Formation; Articles of Incorporation
- Filed with the Secretary of State
- Establishes your business as a separate legal entity
Employer Identification Number - gives you a federal tax identification #
- Obtained from the IRS at
- Required to open a bank account or if you have employees
Company Agreement (LLC) or Bylaws (Corporation)
- Your business's main governing document and critical to your company's governance.
- Sets the rules for your company that all of the owners and managers/directors have to follow.
- Often also required by banks to open a bank account.
Don't have a name for your business yet?
If you're struggling with naming your business, get some help from artificial intelligence! Just tell BusinessNameZone a few things about your business and they'll create a unique name just for you as well as make sure the website address is available!