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How do I maintain an LLC in Colorado?

How do I maintain my Colorado LLC? | BetterLegal


What's the next step after registering my business in Colorado?

After successfully setting up your business in Colorado, you need to make sure that you keep your LLC in good standing with the state. This way, you will be able to transact with third parties smoothly, especially with your vendors and clients.

A good standing status shows that your company is compliant with the state requirements. This includes, but is not limited to, payment of annual fees and updating of your company information with the state.

Additionally, certain other formalities are required by the state, like appointing a registered agent for service of process and maintaining a registered office in Colorado.

If you do not have a physical address in the state where you registered your LLC, check out BetterLegal's Registered Agent Service. Through BetterLegal's Registered Agent service, you will receive scanned copies of your important mails and you may also request for physical copies to be mailed to your address for a minimal administrative fee. Subscribe to our service now!

Why is it important to Maintain my LLC in Colorado?

Third parties are able to obtain your good standing status by submitting a request to the Secretary of State in Colorado. If a third party you are transacting with finds out that your company is in bad standing with the state, it may cause unnecessary delays and issues in your business transactions.

Also, failure to comply with state requirements may result to forfeiture, dissolution, or involuntary termination of your LLC.

This is why you should be on top of Colorado's periodic requirements for Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) like yours. Maintain your LLC to avoid any issues and delays in your transactions.

If you need help in maintaining your LLC in Colorado, check out BetterLegal's State Compliance package. We will make sure that your company complies with the state requirements to keep your company in good standing. Subscribe to our State Compliance Service Now!

The Basics of Maintaining Your LLC

There are different administrative tasks that make up the maintenance of an LLC in Colorado, but can be grouped into categories:

  1. Periodic Report: Required filing in Colorado to keep your LLC in good standing
  2. Articles of Organization: Updating of your LLC information in Colorado
  3. Operating Agreement: Legal document outlining the internal rules and procedures of a Limited Liability Company
  4. Licenses and Permits: Documentary requirements for these in Colorado vary depending on the nature of business
  5. DBAs: Registration of other names a business may go by other than its official name
  6. Taxes: Money owed to the government for revenues and earnings

Filing your Colorado LLC's Periodic Report

If you are planning to file your Colorado LLC's Periodic Report, BetterLegal has prepared an easy to follow step-by-step guide for you below. We have also included pertinent information that you need to remember when filing.

When is the due date for my Colorado LLC's Periodic Report?

File your Colorado LLC's Periodic Report on the anniversary month of your LLC. You need to file it with the state every year. The Periodic Report may be submitted on or before the due date.

How much do I need to pay for my Colorado LLC's Periodic Report?

Prepare $10 to pay for your Colorado LLC's Periodic Report.

What information are needed when filing my Colorado LLC's Periodic Report?

When filing your LLC's Periodic Report, make sure to provide any updated information of your LLC, except for LLC name change. Make sure to provide your Entity ID number and updated email address for notifications from the state. .

How do I submit my Colorado LLC's Periodic Report?

You may submit your Colorado LLC's Periodic Report online.

(1) File online using this link: https://www.sos.state.co.us/biz/FileDocSearchCriteria.do?transTyp=REPORT

What is the turnaround time for my Colorado LLC's Periodic Report?

Your payment or filing submission will reflect on the state's records immediately.

What should I do if I miss my Colorado LLC's Periodic Report's due date?

Late submission of Periodic Report in Colorado is allowed. Late fee is $50. You may file your late submission online.

If you fail to file even after the grace period, your LLC will be in delinquent status.

I missed my Colorado LLC's Periodic Report's grace period for late submission, what should I do?

If you also missed the state's grace period for the filing of Periodic Report, file the late periodic report.

Articles of Organization

If you want to update your company information but it is too early to file for your LLC's Periodic Report or maybe you have already filed your LLC's Periodic Report, but forgot to update your information, you may still do so by filing an amendment with the state.

BetterLegal may also assist you in filing these amendments. Check out the links below:

- Colorado LLC Name Change
- Colorado LLC Statement of Dissolution
- Colorado LLC Statement of Change Changing the Principal Office Address
- Colorado LLC Statement of Change Changing the Registered Agent Information
- Colorado LLC Statement of Correction Correcting the Principal Office Address
- Colorado LLC Statement of Correction Correcting the Registered Agent Information
- Colorado LLC Statement of Change Regarding Resignation or Other Termination of Registered Agent
- Colorado LLC Statement of Correction Correcting the Entity Name
- Colorado LLC Statement of Reservation of Name

Operating Agreement

The operating agreement outlines your LLC's internal rules and regulations. Some events, such as change in ownership, may require you to update your operating agreement. BetterLegal may also assist you with this.

Licenses and Permits

Licenses and Permits requirement may vary in each state and depending on the nature of your business. These licenses and permits ensure that companies within specific industries are abiding by its rules and regulations. If you need assistance in obtaining the licenses and permits required for your LLC, you may check out BetterLegal's Permit and License Search service.

DBAs and Fictitious Names

A DBA (Doing Business As) or a Fictitious Name is an alternative name or nickname under which a business can operate. This allows a business to conduct business under a name other than its legal name. For example, an LLC named "ABC Tile LLC" might file for a DBA and conduct business under the name "Colorado Tile".

A DBA or Fictitious name is not a separate legal entity, it is a name that the business can use for its transactions and it does not change the legal structure or the ownership of the business.

If you need help in registering a DBA for your LLC, reach out to us via chat or call to confirm if we can assist with your filing.


The type of taxes that each state requires vary. Meanwhile, all LLCs are subject to Federal Taxes due to the IRS and are reported through the LLC’s EIN. For the filing of your taxes, it is best to consult your accountant.

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